"Education is the silver bullet."  Sam Seaborn, The West Wing, Aaron Sorkin

Danielle is an accomplished teacher who works to create accessible courses taught in ethical, student-centered modalities. As such, she incorporates ungrading practices into her teaching, and relies heavily upon an ethic of care in the classroom. She teaches a broad range of topics to both majors and non-majors.

Courses Taught

The University at Buffalo (SUNY)

Basic Acting
Dramatic Literature: Shakespeare and Identity
Dramatic Literature: Place and Space in Shakespeare
Freshman Seminar: Research Methods and Hidden Shakespeares
Graduate Seminar: Introduction to Graduate Study
Graduate Writing Lab: Practice as Research
Graduate Seminar: Shakesqueer: Queerness and Race in Shakespeare
Introduction to  Stage Combat
Poetic Text
Production Dramaturgy
Script Analysis
Theatre 101
Theatre History 1: Origins to 1700

University of Massachusetts Boston

Theatre History 1: Origins to 1660

Tufts University

First Year Showcase
How Do you Stage That? Devised Theatre
Introduction to Acting
Ancient Theatre (TA)
Modern and Postmodern Theatre (TA)
Directing 1 (TA)

Articles and Features


Guideposts for Reading Academic Theory

I noticed that my first-year graduate students were struggling with reading theory. As someone who has faced that struggle, I drafted this handout to help them work through complicated text. It's built for reading theory about Theatre and Performance Studies primarily, but could work for broad swathes of humanist study with minimal editing. If you do use it (and particularly if you give it out to students), please e-mail me to let me know so I can record that usage for my tenure file.